Current Projects

A book

I am currently working on my first book, which is in its editing stages. It is a non-fiction, self-help book, intended for people who are seeking to enrich their lives through deep, inner growth. Whether I self-publish or publish traditionally, you’ll be the first in the know when it’s been released! I’m so excited for this project to come to full completion very soon.

In the works

Why this project

Sometimes there is more that I would like to cover in a session than time allows, and I realize that having a book to suggest between our sessions could be so helpful. If you’ve followed my writing on digital platforms for a while, the you know I love writing small snippets as I feel inspired, but a book kind of brings it all together in a way that hope is truly transformational for people.

On my Heart

This book has been on my heart for quite some time and I am thrilled to finally have it off my chest. I will keep writing and creating through my digital spaces, as always, even after this book is released. However, I wanted to follow the urge to put this content out there in book form, for whoever would like a deeper look into connected, conscious growth and mindful living.